About Jacob

Growing up in Northern Virginia, Jacob received a track scholarship to attend the College of William and Mary. After graduating with a degree in government, Jacob received a contract from a shoe company to run professionally and successfully competed for Team USA at the Pan American Games. He simultaneously attended law school at Villanova University, from which he graduated cum laude. One of the races Jacob ran was the Twin Cities Marathon, and Jacob immediately fell in love with Minneapolis. The day after graduation he moved to Minneapolis.

As an employment and civil rights attorney, Jacob developed a strong commitment to community organizing. He championed efforts to support marriage equality, tenant and housing rights, and employee non-discrimination rights. In recognition of this work, Jacob was honored as the first annual recipient of the City of Minneapolis Martin Luther King Jr. Award.

As a Council Member for Minneapolis’ Third Ward, Jacob's leadership has resulted in record numbers of small business openings, substantial public realm and green space improvements, increases in affordable housing, and a new public school.

Along with falling in love with Minneapolis, Jacob fell in love with a strong, intelligent, and passionate partner, Sarah Clarke. Jacob and Sarah met through community organizing and continue to support each other’s work to champion shared passions for environmental sustainability, economic development, and social justice. In September 2020, Frida Jade Frey joined the family. Jacob and Sarah are expecting their second child this year.